Best Ultrasound Lab & Home Blood Collection Service in Noida
Department of Laboratory Medicine, is a reputed centre for providing lab diagnostics services. It’s a NABL accreditated lab providing 24 hrsX 7 services to both IPD and OPD patients. Founded on a strong scientific and medical foundation, the lab has continuously been upgraded on the latest knowledge base in the field of laboratory diagnostics. The lab is supported by technology platforms from proven brands of the industry and is managed by a team of pathologists and microbiologists educated at reputed medical institutes of the country.
The entire staff of the lab, technologists and doctors have a strong work ethic with efforts focused on excellence in service delivery in lab diagnostics. The technology platforms and SOPs (Standard operating procedures) of the lab have been revised and updated regularly
The management strives to earn the trust of our patients and physicians and then strive harder to retain that same trust.
Lab Medicine
Lab Medicine includes all sections of laboratory diagnostics, whether it is careful and painstaking microscopy or automation of analyses. Expert doctors along with trained lab technologists follow standardized guidelines to deliver consistent and reliable lab reports. We place our patients first.
Home Collection
The lab provides sample collection facility at your door step. Patient samples are drawn by our trained and experienced phlebotomists in the comforts of their homes.
Integrated Analyses
Each fully automated, robotic analyzer is bidirectionally interfaced to the enterprise laboratory information system. Test orders flow seamlessly to the analyzers and test results flow back to the LIS reaching the patient reports.
Categories of Services provided:
- Hematology (Routine & Special)
- Biochemical assays
- Hormone assays
- Immuno assays
- Elisa based
- Chemiluminescence
- Electro immunofluorescence
- Tumour Markers
- Gynae Cytology (PAP smears)
- Cytology (FNAC)
- Histopathology (Biopsy)
- Body Fluid examinations
- Traditional manual methods
- Automated Methods
- Microbiology
- Our Doctors
- Quality Assurance
They say ‘Quality’ is conspicuous only in its absence.
Quality Assurance in the laboratory is intended to ensure reliability of laboratory tests.
And ‘reliability is our policy’.
In Laboratory practice Quality directly translates into achieving the following objectives:
Objective 1- Accuracy- This refers to “the closeness of the estimated value to that considered to be true”. In other words our method of obtaining a result should give a value equal to that of the true result of the sample.
Objective 2- Precision- This refers to “the reproducibility of a result, whether accurate or inaccurate”. In other words the method we use for testing should be so constant that every time the same sample is evaluated by our method the result should be exactly the same.
Inaccuracy and/or imprecision occurs as a result of improper standards or reagents, incorrect instrument calibration or poor technique.Precision can be controlled by replicate tests, check tests on previously measured specimens and statistical evaluation of results.Accuracy can, as a rule, be checked only by the use of reference materials which have been assayed by independent methods of known precision.
Knowing this the following are the three ways in which we assure quality
- Internal Quality Control-
Requires checking precision internally and performing statistical analysis (day to day, week to week, month to month). - External Quality Control-
Requires the objective evaluation by an outside agency of the performance by a number of laboratories on material which is supplied specially for the purpose. For this we subscribe to various EQAS (external quality assurance scheme) programs including……- BIORAD laboratories, USA for Biochemical tests and hormones.
- IRCH – AIIMS (EQAS) for Hematological parameters
- Proficiency Surveillance-
Requires critical supervision of all aspects of the laboratory and its workflow. This includes the qualification of the doctors, the qualification of staff, sample collection protocol, labeling, delivery & storage of samples and last but not the least workflow management.