Minor OT

Minor OT In Dadri/Noida

An Operation Theatre is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in a sterile environment. At Krush Divine Hospital at Dadri Noida Up , we have world class minor Operation Theatres and Team of highly trained and experienced doctors to go for any possible treatment.

The Mobile Critical Care Team

A doctor, trained in Intensive Care, will always be on board. To assist him with the patient, will be a male nurse and a ward-boy, apart from the driver, who would also help in the shifting of the patient.

This is a breathing machine. It supplies oxygen to all patients, whether adults, or children.


This is used to shock a diseased heart to bring it back to normalcy.

Suction Machine

To take out secretions (sputum) from the lungs.

Emergency Kit

This is a light-weight aluminium suitcase, containing all emergency drug, equipment and infusions (drips). It is carried by the Mobile Critical Care Team to start emergency treatment on the spot.

Two-way Communication System

The unit is equipped with a wireless system, to provide for communiction between the hospital and the mobile care unit and vice versa.
This is to help provide information regarding the patient to the hospital authorities, so that various specialists could be kept ready for the paitent.
Also expert advice could be sought from various specialists, as the patient is being transported to the hospital.